About Me

My name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. Here are a few things to know about me.

I’m a twenty-something French girl who loves to travel, discover the world and collect travel souvenirs. As the weight in a suitcase is limited to 11 pounds, I decided to start this blog so that I can leave with a lot of souvenirs, no limits!

Travelling has always been a way for me to escape and grow. I believe that when you set foot in another country, take the time to enjoy the scenery, meet people, and try new things; it helps you grow.

Bref. As a French girl living abroad, I know that organizing a trip is not the easiest thing in the world. That is why I want to share, in this blog, the places I’ve visited, my best tips, my favourite food & drink spots, and my (sometimes ridiculous) anecdotes.

About me page Samantha in a nutshell

About the curly hair girl

A couple of fun facts

1. If you asked me, “Sam what is your favorite hobby apart from travelling?”, well I’d say it would be a tie between reading, listening to music, and web design.

2. I speak three languages: French (obviously), English (no surprise), and Spanish. 
I was hit by the Hallyu wave back in 2016, so now, I’m trying to learn Korean. Honestly, I have a hello-sorry-thank-you level…

3. Saying I’m afraid of bees would be an understatement, I’m terrified of them. If you ever see me running away in panic in the middle of lunch on a sunny day… It’s probably because of a bee.

My next trip


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